Whether you use your pieces of heavy equipment to tackle work on your farm or construction site, you’ll need to clean it thoroughly and regularly. Clean machines are safer and more efficient for operation, and it also helps extend their lifespan. Don’t worry if you are unsure where to begin—we have you covered.

Bobcat of New Hampshire is a one-stop destination for all your heavy equipment needs, and our experts have created this guide to highlight some of the essentials for cleaning your machines safely and efficiently. Read on to learn more, and for more advice, swing by our dealership in Chichester or Hudson, NH.

The Perks of Having Clean Equipment

As you may know, many clients prefer business setups that maintain their equipment in tip-top shape. Having clean machines help make you look more professional than others, and your workers will love operating models cleaned regularly.

In addition, clean machines are easier to maintain. You can easily spot hidden issues on dirt-free equipment and apply any fixes before they get worse. This way, you can speed up your maintenance tasks and use your spare time to focus on the areas of your business that need more attention.

Getting Ready to Clean Heavy Equipment

Before starting your cleaning routine, make sure that you dress appropriately. You’ll need to wear full-length coveralls, sturdy and slip-resistant footwear, and thick gloves to protect your hands. You’ll also want to wear eye protection like goggles to stay safe.

Next, you’ll want to gather all the supplies for cleaning your machine. You might want to check your owner’s manual for any manufacturer-recommended cleaning solutions for your given model. A few standard items you’ll need include a pressure washer, cleaning detergent, a good-quality scrub-brush, paper towels, and degreasing solutions to break up oil, grime, clay, and grease.

Tips & Tricks

The first thing to do when cleaning your gear is to remove large chunks of mud and other debris, especially in your machine’s undercarriage. You’ll want to use a shovel to do it quickly and efficiently.

Next, you’ll want to soften any leftover grease and grime using your pressure washer. When using your degreaser, you’ll want to apply it sparingly to prevent your equipment from getting too slick with detergent. You should also be mindful when cleaning your engine compartment and remember to use your scrub brush to clean any tight crevices. Rinse off the solutions using your pressure washer and rework areas that aren’t up to the mark.

Now is the time to clean the interior using paper towels and spray solutions. You can use cotton rags or vacuum clean the area—the choice is yours. However, you’ll want to avoid getting your dashboard and controls too wet and allow your machine to air dry once done.

We hope you find this guide handy when cleaning your heavy equipment. If you need more advice or are still in the market for a new machine, visit Bobcat of New Hampshire. We are in Chichester and Hudson, NH, and we proudly serve Manchester and Nashua.